Navigating Together

With Purpose and Pride

Nāku te rourou nāu te rourou ka ora ai te iwi

Ngatimoti School

Ngatimoti School classes

Ngatimoti School is a learning place. All times spent at school can be learning times. We have 4 wonderful warm classrooms for our students to learn in as well as amazing grounds, including a well maintained swimming pool.

We welcome parents into school. If you are willing and able, we would love to include you in our school life;

- Watch out for our regular Wednesday newsletters,
- Check our notice boards,
- or contact a class teacher directly.

We hope you enjoy being a part of our great country school with a family spirit!


| Home | Board of Trustees | Class Blogs | Policies and Procedures | Concerns/Complaints procedure | Stationery Lists | Staff & Class Info | Student Links | Education Review Office | Enrolment | Staff | Ngatimoti Festival | Weather Station | Newsletters | Internet Safety | Calendar | Spelling | KÄhui Ako ki Motueka | Maths Basic Facts | History | 150th Centenary 2018 |

4 Greenhill Road
RD1 Motueka 7196
Tel: 03 526 8842, Fax: 03 526 8872
Click here to email us

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