Navigating Together

With Purpose and Pride

Nāku te rourou nāu te rourou ka ora ai te iwi

Ngatimoti School

Staff at Ngatimoti School

 Image ©

Principal Alison Turner

Heather Reid - Room 1 & Room 3 teacher
Beth Spencer - Room 1 teacher
Rochelle Roberts - Room 3 teacher & Reading Recovery teacher
Lauren Milnes - Room 4 teacher
Malcolm Hepburn - Room 5 teacher

Support Staff
Secretary - Amanda Cole
Teacher Aides - Anna Gimson, Jade Hogan
Librarian - Davina Clarke
Music lessons (private) - Glenn Bathgate
Caretaker - Ian Stephens
Cleaner - Andrea Blackburn

Board of Trustees Presiding Member Andy McFarland

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4 Greenhill Road
RD1 Motueka 7196
Tel: 03 526 8842, Fax: 03 526 8872
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