Navigating Together

With Purpose and Pride

Nāku te rourou nāu te rourou ka ora ai te iwi

Ngatimoti School

Ngatimoti School Board of Trustees

All about the board

Information about our Board of Trustees

What is the Board of Trustees and what do we do?

For more details of what it entails to become a board member read our Governance Manual, email Andy our Board Presiding Member using the link below, or contact Board Secretary, Amanda Cole at School 03 526 8842.

Governance Manual

» Governance Manual «

» Email our Board Presiding Member directly here «

» Email our Board Presiding Member directly here «

Board of Trustees

Our Principal, Alison Turner continues her BoT duties this year.

Parent Trustees

Andy McFarland (Presiding Member)
Chops Prouting
Rebecca Douglas
Andy Gaul

Staff Representative

Rochelle Roberts

Board Secretary Amanda Cole

| Home | Board of Trustees | Class Blogs | Policies and Procedures | Concerns/Complaints procedure | Stationery Lists | Staff & Class Info | Student Links | Education Review Office | Enrolment | Staff | Ngatimoti Festival | Weather Station | Newsletters | Internet Safety | Calendar | Spelling | KÄhui Ako ki Motueka | Maths Basic Facts | History | 150th Centenary 2018 |

4 Greenhill Road
RD1 Motueka 7196
Tel: 03 526 8842, Fax: 03 526 8872
Click here to email us

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