Navigating Together

With Purpose and Pride

Nāku te rourou nāu te rourou ka ora ai te iwi

Ngatimoti School

Ngatimoti School 1868-2018

150th Reunion Celebrations 20 & 21 October 2018

Ngatimoti School was officially opened on 17 August 1868, at a site on Waiwhero Road close to St. James Church

Teachers and Principals present and past Image ©
Teachers and Principals present and past Image ©

REUNION THANK YOU Our 150th school anniversary on Saturday 20 October was a great success, with many happy people reuniting and reminiscing! Many thanks to our wonderful organising committee of Kirsten Braniff, Jennifer Beatson, Coralie Grooby and Ed Stevens, and also to our great Student Council who did a fantastic job welcoming people back and presenting at the official ceremony.

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RD1 Motueka 7196
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