Navigating Together

With Purpose and Pride

Nāku te rourou nāu te rourou ka ora ai te iwi

Ngatimoti School

Ngatimoti School News

Week 10: 4-8 April

We are aware that the hall is in need of some attention and so on Friday this week we ask that any parents who are available come along and give an hour of your time to help give it a good clean and identify any maintenance issues.

Our school hall is not owned by the Ministry of Education and so responsibility for its maintenance lies with our school board of trustees. Please come along from lunchtime onwards on Friday, bring any cleaning equipment you wish and make a start! Thanks so much, parents - let's make our hall a space to be proud of!

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Please return to school; . . . Read more »

Kai Fest - Sunday 8 April

This Sunday, our students have the opportunity to participate in a parade at the Motueka Kai Fest. . . . Read more »


Open to girls and boys of all ages - register at the school office NOW! . . . Read more »

Week 9 T3: 19-23 Sept

Student Led Conferences . . . Read more »

Week 1: 2-6 May 2016

Our theme this term is A foot in the past and a step into the future. . . . Read more »

Week 11: 11-15 April

Enjoy your holidays! . . . Read more »

Week 10: 4-8 April

Working Bee - This Friday 8 April . . . Read more »

Week 9: 30 Mar - 1 April

Whenua Iti Leadership Days . . . Read more »

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