Navigating Together

With Purpose and Pride

Nāku te rourou nāu te rourou ka ora ai te iwi

Ngatimoti School

Ngatimoti School News

To manage the risk of this virus, we have a four stage plan that includes actions that we will take if there is significant risk at worldwide level, (stage 1), in NZ (stage 2), around Nelson (stage 3) or within our school community (stage 4).

Our actions so far have been centred on increasing cleaning routines and monitoring the information coming to us from the Ministries of Health and Education. All NZ schools are still in the Keep it Out phase of a pandemic plan. The preventative measures the Ministry of Health is encouraging schools to practice are those of good hygiene, which include:
-Washing hands with soap and water before and after eating as well as after attending the toilet, for at least 20 seconds. Singing Happy Birthday twice, slowly, should take about 20 seconds!
-Covering coughs and sneezes with clean tissues or with an elbow
-Putting used tissues in the bin
-Encouraging staff and students to stay home if they are unwell
Other things you can do to help take responsibility for the prevention of this virus spreading are:
-Keep informed by reading any email updates that are sent
-Keep us informed if you believe you or your family have been exposed to increased risk and follow self-quarantine procedures as suggested by the Ministry of Health.
-Keep your children home if they are unwell

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Ngatimoti School Board Elections - Parent Election Results Declaration . . . Read more »

Parent Election Notice

Nominations are open for the election of 3 parent representatives to the school board. . . . Read more »

2024 Term 1: Wed 31 Jan - Fri 12 April . . . Read more »

HATS . . . Read more »

School closes for 2020 on Wednesday 16 December at 12.30pm . . . Read more »

Coronavirus (COVID 19). . . . Read more »

INFOMINGLE THURSDAY 13 FEBRUARY 2020 . . . Read more »

What's coming up?

What's coming up in Term 4? . . . Read more »

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